Armed with a list of the things, conditions, circumstances, and people you truly want in your life, how do you now give the items on your list the best possibility of becoming your new consistent thoughts? Actually, you use the same process you used to make your the items on your DO NOT WANT list your consistent thoughts. The major difference is you are now going to be conscious and aware of the process. You now also have your own clearly defined objectives in mind.
What is the process? If you will think back to your very earliest learning experiences, whether it was learning to crawl, to walk, to master the alphabets, or to read, the process was basically one of spaced repetition. Your parents or caregiver would coax you into the activity and engage you in it for a short while. They would likely affirm how well you were doing, heap lots of praise and positive reinforcement upon you, and leave the activity behind for a time. They would later repeat the pattern of coaxing, engaging, affirming, reinforcing, and leaving the activity behind again.
When it came to learning what is now DO NOT WANT activities and behavior, coaxing, in many cases, gradually became demands. Most of the other components of the process remained intact. Pretty simple, is it not?
You are an adult now, and as your DO NOT WANT list will verify, you have lots of mental baggage to discard if you are going to successfully master your mind power and move yourself more toward the kinds of life experiences you desire. Discarding, in this case, really means developing new consistent thoughts and behavioral patterns that are the exact opposite of those you are leaving behind.
A couple of the components in the process will require a significant shift in emphasis. Repeating affirmations will now take center stage in the process, followed closely by positive reinforcement. In my most humble opinion, the use of affirmations is the most powerful free tool available to you and other people of sound mind to take control of your mind power and put it to use for your ends.
As you begin to use affirmations, I think you will understand why I feel so strongly that at least an overview of the self image (personality, ego, map of reality, etc.) is so important. You should be alerted that particularly early on, the self image is going to be extremely active attempting to convince you that your effort to change your life is a waste of time.
It has an arsenal of fears, doubts, and phobias to inject into your thinking process, and it will regularly attempt to direct you back into the direction of your old familiar DO NOT WANT world. Perhaps the most popular trick it uses is to allow you to repeat your affirmation and just as you are ending it, the self image will then ease a tail-ender into your regimen. A tail-ender is a very subtle thought that is in reality the reverse of the affirmation you just completed.
This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.
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