
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Learn How Self Hypnosis Can Help You

Millions of people all over the world are using self hypnosis right now to help themselves improve their own lives – politicians and housewives, musicians and scientists, young professionals and retired people – so many people have discovered the positive effects that self hypnosis can have. Moreover, once you learn, you can do it anywhere, and at any time, with no cost at all. There are some popular myths surrounding the issue which need to be dispelled, and they are listed below:

1. In the process of self hypnosis, you cannot get “stuck” in that state. You can come out of it whenever you so desire.

2. While using self hypnosis you do not “go to sleep” or pass out – you are fully conscious, in fact more so than any other time.

3. Self hypnosis does not cause you to lose your mind – you know what is happening at all times.

4. It is not related to the occult or magic in any way, in fact it is in the process of entering mainstream medicine in a major way.

5. Self hypnosis is an absolutely natural state which you go into yourself, several times daily.

6. Self hypnosis is a technique of treatment.

7. It is a hundred percent safe.

Self hypnotizing is a skill, which like all others needs to be mastered and definitely improves with consistent and focused practice. Learning how to use self hypnosis can benefit anybody who does so. There are many free lessons and websites who help you learn the skill, although it is advisable to approach a professional initially.

Self hypnosis can help you overcome the fear of public speaking, enhance your performance when it comes to athletics, get rid of unhealthy self esteem and depression, build your confidence and ward off panic attacks, and help combat phobias and post traumatic stress.

Words are a part of daily life but with self hypnosis they take on a deeper and more potent implication. These words help you heal. What one word means to you can have a totally different or even opposite meaning to some one else. Thus, in self hypnosis choose only the words that evoke wonderful memories and positive feelings, and avoid those which carry negative connotations.

You know yourself best, and so in self hypnosis do your word selection yourself. Choose words that will get the most out of you – cause you to respond in the most powerful manner possible. In addition to good sounding words such as peace, harmony, happy, relaxed, and cheerful, use words such as "increasingly" and "more and more" in order to enhance fluidity and prompt growth.

Self hypnosis includes excluding static words, even if they carry positive meaning - choose "happier" instead of "happy", and tap into the potential this simple change of word can give you. Shun negatives at all costs, like "don’t, can’t, won’t, shouldn’t", instead try and make a list of positive transformation of these words. It is important to be relaxed and follow the self hypnosis step by step to achieve total heightened awareness. Tap the power of self hypnosis to help yourself heal.

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