Developed in 1985 by Tad James, Time Line Therapy is a derivative of Neuro Linguistic Programming as well as Ericksonian Hypnosis. As a model, Time Line Therapy can represent temporal experiences, and also change how we feel about certain things in order for us to create a significant future. It has the potential to change our understanding of how negative emotions and limiting choices adversely affect us – indeed, the basic components of our history can be changed to alter the human temporal experience and usher in positive change. How your subconscious stores and interprets memories is what forms your timeline. It allows you to distinguish between a memory from the past and a dream for the future.
It’s a process you’re barely aware of, but your awareness of your time line may vary from time to time. The techniques of Time Line Therapy help to resolve problems with important situations or events in the past which have had an effect on the person concerned. Time Line Therapy allows the person to let go of the negativity surrounding these unpleasant past experiences, while allowing him or her to retain the lesson learned from those incidents or experiences. Time Line Therapy, in this way, forms an effective coping mechanism for traumatized people. A lot of us wish we could turn back time and change some choices or decisions we have made in the past.
Using Time Line Therapy can make this possible, in a way, because with it you can re appraise that past decision, and come to terms with it, and break the limitations binding you to the consequences of those choices or decisions. Time Line Therapy gives you access to the past and enables you to change how the past affects you. Finally, Time Line Therapy also makes possible for you a future as you always wanted it to be. The techniques used for creating the desired future are as potent and as effective as those used to change how the past affects you. The past, limiting decisions and the future – there are the three major components of Time Line Therapy and you can learn them in order to achieve your desired aims.
Although Time Line Therapy has been developed fairly recently, the idea of a time line is very old. Aristotle used this idea in his work, and the Greeks are said to have knowledge about the phenomenon of temporality. The fact that we have a structured language gives us temporal knowledge as well.
It is generally agreed that we are products of our past histories. Our past experiences determine who we are – our identity and what we do or how we act – our behavior.
Time Line Therapy allows you to gain total control over your emotional behavior. Time Line Therapy comprises of a collection of effective techniques that will let you release all the negativity from your unpleasant past experiences and the anger or bitterness you still feel about them, which damages you even more. Try Time Line Therapy to gain control over your own life and let go of the past while building a beautiful future for yourself.
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