Quite a few people who own a computer know exactly what kind of a computer they have and its specifications. There is also a significant number of people who don't know that in order for computer technicians to know how to fix a problem with their computers, they need to know all about the unit and its specifications.
Use Software For Finding Out
The easiest possible way for you to determine your specs is to use your Windows System Information Utility. All computers that run on Windows Operating Systems have their users use this utility to help them determine what their computer is made of. Aside from the built in system for Windows, you can also utilize software like Fresh Diagnose, Aida 32 and the SiSoft Sandra. All these diagnostic software show you what your computer is made of can be obtained free of charge through a simple web search and download.
How To Use Your Windows System Information Utility
To use your Windows System Information Utility is actually very simple. Here are the steps for you to follow to check on your computer's specifications:
1. Go the start button and click on it.
2. Drag your cursor over to the word programs then over the word accessories.
3. In the accessories selection, you can then drag your arrow over to the phrase system tools then choose and click on the system Information selection.
4. You will then get a pop-up page from your computer that shows you the Systems summary of your unit. On this system summary, you will see your computer's OS Name and version, the OS and System manufacturers, system name and a whole lot more.
5. For a more detailed look at the information about your computer, click on the plus sign beside each category under the System Summary and click on the sub-categories you may want to view.
6. The categories you can find under your system summary list includes the hardware list or hardware resources, the Components which includes the Multimedia components of the computer, Input, Network, Ports and Storage. There is also a list of subcategories under the headings Software Environment and Internet Settings.
These simple steps will help you find out what your computer's specifications are and will eventually help you when you need to answer the questions your computer repairman or troubleshooter will ask you should your unit need servicing.
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