
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How To Protect Yourself From Phishing On The Internet

The Internet is regarded as the best place to do everything such as finding entertainment, shopping, or research, there's still the danger of anonymity. You may find yourself in another persons shoes, literally.

One example of the evils of the Internet is Phishing, which is a criminal method of obtaining your most personal information for the benefit of the evildoers. Some of their methods are stealing your password, credit card details, or even your identity.

It's easy to avoid being victimized by phishing. Here are some helpful advice on protecting yourself from these criminal activities.

Don't Give Your Personal Information To Anyone.

This is the most basic guide in avoiding phishing. This mostly applies to e-mail, private messages on bulletin boards/social networks or chatting with your online friends. They have identity thefts in social networking sites in which the criminal took advantage of the identity to obtain sensitive or personal information from other people.

If an e-mail message asks you to give your name, e-mail, password, credit card number, address, never reply to it, even if it seems like it's important. It might be one step to identity theft. So never, ever, give your personal information to anyone.

Create Strong Passwords

Simple phishing is to crack passwords of accounts. The easier the password you have on your account, the easier it will be cracked. A combination of numbers and letters is the ideal password for those who want their accounts to be protected.

Use Secure Online Payment Services

In shopping online, you have to determine if the payment service is secure. This is easy since you can research about how secure the payment service is on search engines or from friends. Remember that you will give your credit card number and other valuable information so it's better to have some background knowledge than none at all.

Avoiding Fake Websites

Web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer have anti-phishing measures which detect fake websites. These fake websites could lure you into giving them your personal information and use them against you or for their own benefit. Some fake websites require you to which automatically give them your username and password. Double check if the URL is correct just to be sure you're in the right place.

Killing The Spam e-Mails

In most e-mails, there is a spam filter which automatically sends your spam in a different folder to be dealt with later. Spam e-mails are very dangerous and should be deleted immediately. The usual indication of spam is that it entices you to look inside with the subject and is usually from a person you don't know.

The Internet isn't the safest place in the world, even if you think you've covered all the bases. As long as you're lurking in there, the possibilities of crime are endless. So the key is just to be very careful.

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