Time to make positive changes in your life? Has life somehow got in the way of your good intensions? Oftentimes we get caught in “the doom loop.” The doom loop is analogous to a recycling bin. Old behaviors and habits get recycled back into our lives and we cannot believe things simply will not change.
Time and energy are our two considerations for this discussion.
Time management leads us to believe we are doing something with our lives because we are busy. The question we must consistently ask ourselves is, “Busy doing what?” Lists are made. We cross tasks off one-by-one. At the end of our daze, we make more lists. When life goes flat, we are caught in the doom loop.
Time plus energy can equal positive changes.
Time is a factor, but not in the sense of managing time. Time cannot be managed. Time manages us. Energy management is a new way of thinking and living. The formula is time plus energy equals all of your life’s possibilities and potential.
Time to check your energy. How is it? Great? Good? Okay? Not so good? Bad? Toxic? Caught in the doom loop? Energy management can take you places you may not have considered. Managing your energy levels is possible regardless of your current situation.
Please consider the five possible ways of using your time and energy:
1. Investing your time and energy
2. Spending your time and energy
3. Wasting your time and energy
4. Losing your time and energy
5. Having your time and energy stolen
Time and energy INVESTING: Investing your time and energy always starts with you. There is just one question to ask yourself regarding any situation: “Am I getting the highest return from my investments of my time and energy? Within the answer is the solution. If you are tired, what are you doing to turn this around? Investing your time and energy in your health will give you great returns. Do you need more education? Investing your time and energy in education also pays high returns. Do you struggle with addictions? Investing your time and energy in getting the help you need pays enormous returns. The good news is everything you need is within reach. By first investing your time and energy in yourself your world becomes bigger not smaller.
Time and energy SPENDING: Spending your time and energy indicates there is an output without input to get something temporary. A parent says, “I spent the weekend with the kids. “What did you do?” “I don’t know? I never saw them.”
Time and energy WASTING: Wasting time and energy has to do with burning up time and energy and accomplishing nothing. This comes in the form of complaining, blaming, judging, criticizing, whining, gossiping, etc.
Time and energy LOST: Losing time and energy has to do with being lost through uncontrolled addictions and behaviors. NEWSBREAK: Programs and people will be waiting for you if you become honest, willing and open... These people have invested their time and energy in getting themselves well and are waiting to assist others.
Time and energy STOLEN: Having your time and energy stolen has to do with hopeless people, places and things which rob the life force from you. Chances are you personally cannot end world hunger. You cannot get the Chinese out of Tibet. You personally cannot bring our troops home from Iraq. Now consider what you can do? Plenty!
Investing your time and energy in yourself (first) is where it all begins. In a world of complex choices, we need something very simple to make sense of it all. Your one, simple, most important choice becomes; investing your time and energy in what will bring you the highest returns – this is you!
Stop wasting time and energy on time management. Time will make significant shifts once a person becomes WHOLE and healed though investing his or her time and energy in what mattersmost.
If things are unpleasant in your life right now, use these poisonous circumstances as motivation to get your energy moving in the right direction. The time is now!
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